The base Livestock of Our Model

We are a farm with a closed natural cycle. We have designed all the areas of the farm so they have their function based on livestock production. Livestock is the main participant that shifts around the farm with constant movements and changes of plot, giving nutrients to the soil. We keep a considerable number of animals in each plot in a short space of time. As there are many parks, the animals take many days to return to the same meadow, with an estimation of 50-60 days of recovery.

This livestock system generates many advantages for the soil. Soil is the base of our farm and it is the support on which we grow. We need it to be healthier and stronger every day. We care as much as possible and the entire design of the farm has been done so the cattle contribute to the soil with everything it needs. The soil returns it with more production that allows us to improve the system and create the conditions for its recovery at the same time it is economically efficient.

Our livestock grazes on the meadows activating all the elements of the soil. The animals eat and this has an effect on the plants, which start all the processes again to grow, generating leaf mass and finally seed. To achieve this, the roots begin to demand nutrients from the soil and the leaves produce photosynthetic activity. Thus, it is very important to have the soil well-nourished with a lot of organic matter and a good structure. It is also essential to avoid overgrazing and that the animals leave part of the aerial components so they facilitate the absorption of solar energy.

If the animals are constantly present, they eat the entire aerial part and that reduces the regrowth capacity of the plant, weakening the roots.

The areas of the farm, intended for annual crops, are harvested promoting regrowth. Sometimes they are even left so that the animals can later eat it and provide the organic matter necessary for the next cycle. The stubble plants help enormously to feed the animals in summer and favour the following crop. Again, the agriculture-livestock synergy shows its advantages.

The cattle ranch has large rotational meadows.

Bovine Livestock